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Names Years At EA E-Mail Locale
Dale, Robert
Deshler, Kim
Dias Jr., Armando Costa 1972-1984
Domotor, Anna Katalin 1977-1984
Dow, Christina
Eguez, Gustavo
Feferman, Flavio
Eduardo Forte
Ferreira, Kleber
Figuereido, Diana Lee 1981-1984
Flores, Michael
Fragni, Arnaldo
Giddings, Lisa Ann 1980-1984
Gil, Maria Gabriela de Oliveira 1973-1984
Goldschmid, Daniel Jan 1972-1984 Dallas, Texas
Granados, Nelson
Guerreiro, Alexandra J. 1982-1984
Guimaraes, Claudia Costa 1971-1984
Guivon, Ilan
Gurjao, Filipe
Harju, Klaus
Harvey, Monica Doris 1972-1984
Hasegawa, Sachiko
Hauth, Susan
Hebbelink, Nancy
Hedlund, Johan
Hipskind, Rebecca Ann 1972-1984
Hirakino, Yurika
Horne, Luciana Braga
Hough, Suzanne
Hsu, Claudia Shi-Li
Iglesias, Santiago Juan 1973-1983
Ito, Yoshie 1982-1984
Jackson, Mats Olaf 1979-1984
Johnson, Beatte
Kandor, Sundae
Keenan, Monica
Keith, Brian
Kitagawa, Miwa
Kjellemo, Dag
Kotecki, Jodi Lee 1984-1984
Lafourcade, Michele 1980-1984
Lapuente, Kathryn de
Lichowski, Eduardo
Lunes, Eric
Mancini, Michele(Mike) Florence, Italy
Mantgen, Barbara
Martins, Isabella de Araujo 1974-1984
Massari, Flavia
Mendes, Lucy
Mendonca, Claudio S. 1983-1984
Miccolis, Eduardo 1981-1984
Migon, Paula de Almeida Rego 1977-1984
Minor, John
Mitsui, Seichin
Moreno, Andrew
Moseley, Rebecca A. 1981-1984
Mueller, Asa
Muller, Christina 1971-1984
Mulligan, Ann